
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “Germán Aguilar” ,找到相关结果约236639条。
Estimación de los caudales ecológicos en el Río Valles con el método Tennant
Santacruz de León, Germán;Aguilar-Robledo, Miguel;
Hidrobiológica , 2009,
Abstract: the ecological flows are defined as the fluvial regime in a water body needed to function fluvial ecosystem. the environmental legislation in mexico establishes the importance to setup ecological flows in water; however they are few rivers with established ecological flows. in this research were set two points (micos and santa rosa) on the mainstream river valles, san luis potosí; on these points was applied tennant method for estimating ecological flows. results showed that over the past thirty years ecological flows have declined between 10% and 11%. we conclude that in terms of water flow, the most adverse conditions for aquatic life are presented from march to may in the micos-santa rosa section.
Estimación de los caudales ecológicos en el Río Valles con el método Tennant Estimates of ecological flows in the Río Valles with the Tennant method
Germán Santacruz de León,Miguel Aguilar-Robledo
Hidrobiológica , 2009,
Abstract: Los caudales ecológicos se definen como el régimen fluvial en un cuerpo de agua que permite mantener el funcionamiento del ecosistema acuático en condiciones naturales. La legislación ambiental en México establece la importancia de fijar estos caudales en los cuerpos de aguas nacionales, sin embargo, son pocos los ríos en los que se tienen establecidos. Se fijaron dos puntos (Micos y Santa Rosa) sobre el cauce principal del Río Valles, San Luis Potosí; a la información hidrométrica registrada en esos puntos se le aplicó el método Tennant para estimar los caudales ecológicos. Los resultados mostraron que en los últimos treinta a os, dichos flujos han disminuido entre 10% y 11%. Se concluyó que, en términos de flujo de agua, las condiciones más adversas para la vida acuática se presentan de marzo a mayo en el tramo Micos-Santa Rosa. The ecological flows are defined as the fluvial regime in a water body needed to function fluvial ecosystem. The environmental legislation in Mexico establishes the importance to setup ecological flows in water; however they are few rivers with established ecological flows. In this research were set two points (Micos and Santa Rosa) on the mainstream River Valles, San Luis Potosí; on these points was applied Tennant method for estimating ecological flows. Results showed that over the past thirty years ecological flows have declined between 10% and 11%. We conclude that in terms of water flow, the most adverse conditions for aquatic life are presented from March to May in the Micos-Santa Rosa section.
Rol del clima y la tectónica en la evolución geomorfológica de los Andes Semiáridos chilenos entre los 27-32°S
Aguilar,Germán; Riquelme,Rodrigo; Martinod,Joseph; Darrozes,José;
Andean geology , 2013, DOI: 10.5027/andgeoV40n1-a04
Abstract: a morphometric analysis that considers hypsometry and topographic slope reveals longitudinal and latitudinal differences in the degree of maturity of the relief of the andes between 27-32°s. whereas landscape rejuvenation of the coastal cordillera takes place to the south of 29.5°s, in the main cordillera it happens south of 28.5°s. the combination of a wetter climate towards the south and the presence of segments with different tectonic features would explain these variations. longitudinally, the geomorphological features indicate the presence of a mountain front that separates the coastal cordillera and the main cordillera. between 28.5 and 30.5°s this front can be attributed to the activity of the vicu?a-san félix fault system, wich during the oligocene-early miocene would have accommodated the relative uplift of the main cordillera. in response to this tectonic activity, successive levels of cut-and-fill pediments may have been formed. during the middle miocene, there was a new episode of uplift affecting the fore-arc and it is in response to this uplift that the valleys that cross this region were excavated. between 28.5 and 30.5°s, the valleys head reached a sufficient altitude to generate fluvio-glacial erosion that allowed the incision of deep canyons in this segment of the main cordillera.
Rol del clima y la tectónica en la evolución geomorfológica de los Andes Semiáridos chilenos entre los 27-32°S Role of climate and tectonics in the geomorphologic evolution of the Semiarid Chilean Andes between 27-32°S
Germán Aguilar,Rodrigo Riquelme,Joseph Martinod,José Darrozes
Andean Geology , 2013,
Abstract: Un análisis morfométrico que considera la pendiente topográfica y la hipsometría, evidencia las diferencias longitudinales y latitudinales en el grado de madurez del relieve de la región andina entre los 27-32°S. Mientras que el rejuvenecimiento del paisaje de la Cordillera de la Costa se produce al sur de los 29,5°S, en la Cordillera Principal ello ocurre al sur de los 28,5°S. La combinación entre un clima más húmedo hacia el sur y la presencia de segmentos con diferentes rasgos tectónicos explicarían estas variaciones. Longitudinalmente, los rasgos geomorfológicos indican la presencia de un Frente de Monta a que separa la Cordillera de la Costa de la Cordillera Principal. Entre los 28,5° y 30,5°S este frente puede ser atribuido a la actividad del Sistema de Fallas Vicu a-San Félix, la que durante el Oligoceno-Mioceno Temprano habría acomodado el alzamiento relativo de la Cordillera Principal. En respuesta a esta actividad tectónica se habrían formado sucesivos escalones de pedimentos que se encajaron uno con respecto al otro. Durante el Mioceno Medio se produjo un nuevo episodio de alzamiento, que involucró a todo el antearco y es en respuesta a este alzamiento que se excavaron los actuales valles que lo cruzan. Entre los 28,5° y 30,5°S, la cabecera de los valles alcanzaron un rango de altitud suficiente como para generar una erosión fluvio-glacial que ha permitido la incisión de profundos ca ones en este segmento de la Cordillera Principal. A morphometric analysis that considers hypsometry and topographic slope reveals longitudinal and latitudinal differences in the degree of maturity of the relief of the Andes between 27-32°S. Whereas landscape rejuvenation of the Coastal Cordillera takes place to the south of 29.5°S, in the Main Cordillera it happens south of 28.5°S. The combination of a wetter climate towards the south and the presence of segments with different tectonic features would explain these variations. Longitudinally, the geomorphological features indicate the presence of a mountain front that separates the Coastal Cordillera and the Main Cordillera. Between 28.5 and 30.5°S this front can be attributed to the activity of the Vicu a-San Félix Fault System, wich during the Oligocene-Early Miocene would have accommodated the relative uplift of the Main Cordillera. In response to this tectonic activity, successive levels of cut-and-fill pediments may have been formed. During the Middle Miocene, there was a new episode of uplift affecting the fore-arc and it is in response to this uplift that the valleys that cross this region were excavated.
Helicobacter pylori: recent advances in the study of its pathogenicity and prevention
Aguilar,Germán R.; Ayala,Guadalupe; Fierros-Zárate,Geny;
Salud Pública de México , 2001, DOI: 10.1590/S0036-36342001000300010
Abstract: helicobacter pylori has acquired great importance during the last two decades, after being recognized as an important pathogen that infects a great portion of the human population. this microorganism is recognized as the main causal agent of chronic gastritis and duodenal ulcers, and it is associated with the subsequent development of gastric carcinoma. the pathogenic mechanisms of h. pylori and their relation to gastric ailments have not been clearly defined. however, at present it is well established that urease, vacuolating cytotoxin vaca, and the pathogenicity island (cag pai) gene products, are the main factors of virulence of this organism. thus, individuals infected with strains that express these virulence factors probably develop a severe local inflammation that may induce the development of peptic ulcer and gastric cancer. the way the infection spreads throughout the world suggests the possibility that there are multiple pathways of transmission. due to the importance that h. pylori has acquired as a human pathogen, laboratories worldwide are attempting to develop a vaccine that confers long-term immunological protection against infection by this microorganism. hence, the objective of this review is to present the most relevant findings of the biology of h. pylori and its interaction with the human host. the full version of this paper is available too at: http://www.insp.mx/salud/index.html
Helicobacter pylori: recent advances in the study of its pathogenicity and prevention
Aguilar Germán R.,Ayala Guadalupe,Fierros-Zárate Geny
Salud Pública de México , 2001,
Abstract: Helicobacter pylori has acquired great importance during the last two decades, after being recognized as an important pathogen that infects a great portion of the human population. This microorganism is recognized as the main causal agent of chronic gastritis and duodenal ulcers, and it is associated with the subsequent development of gastric carcinoma. The pathogenic mechanisms of H. pylori and their relation to gastric ailments have not been clearly defined. However, at present it is well established that urease, vacuolating cytotoxin VacA, and the pathogenicity island (cag PAI) gene products, are the main factors of virulence of this organism. Thus, individuals infected with strains that express these virulence factors probably develop a severe local inflammation that may induce the development of peptic ulcer and gastric cancer. The way the infection spreads throughout the world suggests the possibility that there are multiple pathways of transmission. Due to the importance that H. pylori has acquired as a human pathogen, laboratories worldwide are attempting to develop a vaccine that confers long-term immunological protection against infection by this microorganism. Hence, the objective of this review is to present the most relevant findings of the biology of H. Pylori and its interaction with the human host. The full version of this paper is available too at: http://www.insp.mx/salud/index.html
Estudio retrospectivo de anomalías dentales y alteraciones óseas de maxilares en ni os de cinco a catorce a os de las clínicas de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Antioquia Retrospective study of dental anomalies and bone alterations of the jawbones in children 5 to 14 years old of the clinics of the Dental School, University of Antioquia
Gabriel Espinal Botero,Hugo Alexander Manco Guzmán,Germán Aguilar Méndez,Liliana Castrillón Pino
Revista Facultad de Odontología Universidad de Antioquia , 2009,
Abstract: INTRODUCCIóN: el propósito de esta investigación es efectuar un estudio retrospectivo epidemiológico sobre el tipo y frecuencia de alteraciones a nivel óseo y dental, en pacientes de cinco a catorce a os que consultaron la Clínica del Ni o y el Adolescente de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Antioquia entre los a os 2000 y 2002. MéTODOS: se analizaron 428 radiografías panorámicas análogas con adecuada nitidez, densidad, contraste y definición, usando las historias clínicas como soporte. Las placas fueron leídas por un radiólogo dental definiendo el tipo de alteraciones óseas y anomalías dentales presentes. Se efectúo un análisis estadístico de tipo descriptivo. RESULTADOS: la muestra fue de 232 hombres (54,20%) y 196 mujeres (45,79%). En maxilares se encontraron 33 radiografías de pacientes con imágenes radiolúcidas patológicas (7,68%): 21 de sexo femenino (4,89%) y 12 de sexo masculino (2,79%), y solo un caso (0.23%) con imágenes radiopacas patológicas. En los dientes se presentaron 272 radiografías (63,40%) con presencia de anomalías dentales: 149 pertenecían a hombres (34,73%) y 123 a mujeres (28,67%), que incluyeron 1.120 dientes. Las anomalías encontradas fueron: dens in dente, agenesias, taurodontismo, macrodoncias, dientes en forma cónica, supernumerarios, microdoncias, transposiciones, fusiones, mesiodens, dientes retenidos, geminaciones, espolones de esmalte y perlas de esmalte, en ese orden de frecuencia. CONCLUSIONES: la población afectada por alguna alteración fue del 71,32%. INTRODUCTION: the purpose of this study was to carry out an epidemiological retrospective study on the type and frequency of radiographic dental and bone alterations in patients from 5 to 14 years of age who consulted the Dental Clinic (Child and the Adolescent Clinics) of the College of Dentistry at the University of Antioquia between the years 2000 and 2002. METHODS: 428 panoramic radiographs with adequate density, contrast and definition were analyzed using also the dental records as support. The films were read by a dental radiologist who defined the type of bone alterations and dental anomalies present. A descriptive statistical analysis was performed. RESULTS: the sample consisted of 232 males (54.20%) and 196 females (45.79%). In the Maxilla and Mandible: 33 x-rays were found with pathological radiolucent images (7.68%): 21 females (4.89%) and 12 males (2.79%); just one patient (0.23%) with pathological radio opaque images. In the teeth: 272 x-rays (63.40%) with presence of dental anomalies: 149 males (34.73%) and 123 females (28.67%), involving 11
Análisis de la posición y trayectoria del conducto alveolar inferior (CAI) en tomografía volumétrica computarizada (TC Cone Beam - TCCB) Cone Beam computed tomographic analysis of the position and course of the mandibular canal
José Domínguez Mejía,Omar Ruge Jiménez,Germán Aguilar Méndez,óscar ?a?ez López
Revista Facultad de Odontología Universidad de Antioquia , 2010,
Abstract: INTRODUCCIóN: los procedimientos quirúrgicos que se realizan en la mandíbula requieren conocimiento detallado de la posición y trayectoria del conducto alveolar inferior (CAI) que contiene en su interior al nervio alveolar inferior (NAI).La tomografía volumétrica computarizada (TCCB) es un medio diagnóstico subutilizado en nuestro medio principalmente por los costos, sin embargo es un medio sensible y preciso para la evaluación del CAI por encima de otros medios diagnósticos. MéTODOS: se evaluaron 50 tomografías volumétricas computarizadas de última generación con tecnología Cone Beam (TCCB) de las mandíbulas de pacientes mayores de dieciocho a os, con premolares y molares mandibulares en boca, sin anomalías evidentes de los maxilares, patologías mandibulares y patologías que comprometieran la calidad ósea, se realizaron cortes transeccionales e imágenes panorámicas. RESULTADOS: el promedio de distancia del CAI a la cresta alveolar fue 17,9 mm en mujeres y 19,8 en hombres, hacia la tabla vestibular el promedio fue 3,8 mm para ambos sexos; hacia la tabla lingual de 3,2 mm en mujeres y en hombres de 2,8; el promedio del CAI al borde basilar fue 6,5 mm para mujeres y 6,2 en hombres y del borde anterior de rama al foramen mandibular el promedio fue 12,3 mm para mujeres y 13,2 en hombres. CONCLUSIONES: la TCCB es una ayuda diagnóstica altamente sensible para la ubicación de la posición y trayectoria del CAI, no hubo diferencias significativas en cuanto a edad y lados, de las medidas tomadas en los tres sectores del cuerpo mandibular. INTRODUCTION: surgical procedures involving the mandible require a deep understanding of the position and course of the inferior alveolar conduct (IAC) that encloses the inferior alveolar nerve. Computerized volumetric tomography (CVT) is an under used diagnostic tool in our context, mostly because of the costs it compels, nevertheless it′s a sensitive and precise method for the evaluation of IAC above other diagnostic current tools. METHODS: 50 last generation computerized volumetric tomographies, using Cone Beam technology, were evaluated in 18 years old patients or older, with premolars and molars present, without any evident maxillary anomalies, mandibular pathology or alteration that decrease bone quality. Panoramic and transectional cuts were performed. RESULTS: the average distance from IAC to alveolar crest was 17.9 mm for women and 19.8 mm for men. The average distance from IAC to the vestibular plate was 3.8 mm for both genders towards the lingual plate, the distances from IAC was 3,2mm for women and 2.8 mm for men. Th
Estudio retrospectivo de anomalías dentales y alteraciones óseas de maxilares en ni?os de cinco a catorce a?os de las clínicas de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Antioquia
Espinal Botero,Gabriel; Manco Guzmán,Hugo Alexander; Aguilar Méndez,Germán; Pino,Liliana Castrillón; Rendón Giraldo,Juan Esteban; Marín Botero,Martha Lucía;
Revista Facultad de Odontología Universidad de Antioquia , 2009,
Abstract: introduction: the purpose of this study was to carry out an epidemiological retrospective study on the type and frequency of radiographic dental and bone alterations in patients from 5 to 14 years of age who consulted the dental clinic (child and the adolescent clinics) of the college of dentistry at the university of antioquia between the years 2000 and 2002. methods: 428 panoramic radiographs with adequate density, contrast and definition were analyzed using also the dental records as support. the films were read by a dental radiologist who defined the type of bone alterations and dental anomalies present. a descriptive statistical analysis was performed. results: the sample consisted of 232 males (54.20%) and 196 females (45.79%). in the maxilla and mandible: 33 x-rays were found with pathological radiolucent images (7.68%): 21 females (4.89%) and 12 males (2.79%); just one patient (0.23%) with pathological radio opaque images. in the teeth: 272 x-rays (63.40%) with presence of dental anomalies: 149 males (34.73%) and 123 females (28.67%), involving 1120 teeth. the anomalies found were: dens in dente, tooth agenesis, taurodontism, macrodontia, conic shaped teeth, supernumerary teeth, microdontia, transpositions, fusions, mesiodens, retained teeth, gemination, enamel spur, and enamel pearls in this order of frequency. conclusions: this study showed that the population affected with some radiographic abnormalities was 71.32%.
Luna Azul , 2011,
Abstract: theobroma cacao l. is the only theobroma species that is commercially exploited in enormous extensions, registering presently wide distribution worldwide through development programs directly influenced by factors linked to the market and the producers, traders, industrials, and consumers? interests. in this study 12 cacao clones were evaluated by means of molecular markers using 10 microsatellite sequences (ssrs) as a pilot study before a test at a greater scale. the data were processed using the power maker version 3.25 program. the allelic frequencies were stimated and a genetic distance matrix was developed based on the nei coefficient. using the upgma grouping algorithm the corresponding dendrogram was generated. the diversity analysis showed a total genetic diversity index of 0.6944 considered intermediate for the materials evaluated. the average heterozygocity estimate was 0.58579 and the average polymorphic information content was 0.6523. in this study markers mtccir6, mtccir25, mtccir26 and mtccir12 are the most informative and polymorphic ones. it is recommended to relate the genetic diversity results with morpho-agronomic and pathogenicity characters in the different cacao clones in order to consolidate efficient strategies for disease improvement and control.

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